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published May 19th


as we continue with the month of May, state economies start to reopen. Many questions spring up, like the yellow dandelions that are coming up as well... When will the economy fully reopen? How long will my stay at home order last? Am I safe? Those are very good questions, some of them cannot be answered.

check out today's headlines below...


After yesterday when our president announced to the press that he is and has been taking the drug known as hydroxychloroquine, Trump's vice president, Mike Pence, says that he has not been taking hydroxychloroquine. he says "My physician hasn’t recommended that, but I wouldn’t hesitate" Pence announced this at the daily coronavirus white house briefing today for May 19th. White house officials say that both Donald and Mike have been tested daily, so far those tests are all negative... Trump also says that he is taking zinc to try to prevent the novel coronavirus

This program, a day in review by News Nerds will not be active tomorrow, Wednesday May 20th. This is because a new episode of News Nerds will be coming out then... Stay tuned!

Because of the easing of restrictions in China, research shows that already, air pollution in China has gone up to monthly levels that go above recorded at this time last year. Obviously, air pollution in China was expected to go up because of business returning to some state of normality, but this spike was not expected... Industry in the years following the great recession in 2008 boomed. That lead to air pollution booming as well. After the Covid-19 pandemic started in China, China is starting to reopen because of drops in cases. This comes as the hotspot of the pandemic is in the US. Officials worry that what China is seeing with air pollution levels, will become a global normal.


News Nerds has been covering the super cyclone that is currently in the Bay of Bengal and heading for the countries of India and Bangladesh. click HERE for more reporting on this event from yesterday, May 18th...

a monster cyclone, currently heading for India and Bangladesh is forcing India and Bangladesh to evacuate more than a whopping 7 million people from the areas most at risk. This super cyclonic storm is now known as Amphan, (or sky in the thai language) and is now forecasted to hit parts of India tomorrow afternoon and then move on and go for India's neighboring country of Bangladesh. This comes at a very unfortunate time because of social distancing rules that may need to be broken to keep people in different areas safe from the very dangerous storm.

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